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So… Hi! Remember me? It’s been a while since I’ve posted on the blog (bad Karima) so I thought I’d pop in to let you know what’s going on in my life right now. The not-so-dramatic reason for my hiatus – I’ve been insanely busy with uni.

I want to preface this next bit with this: I love uni. I’ve been studying for 7 years and I love it. That said, I would liken the last few semesters to extracting my own teeth with a pair of pliers, sans anaesthetic. I’m on the home stretch now and I’M JUST TIRED, pair that with Youtube-ing and I’m jumping from lipstick to calculators and back again. But don’t listen to me, go to school kids.

I’m also a perfectionist, which I know sounds like a humble-brag reserved for job interviews but it’s not been a constructive trait. It goes like this…

Oh I’ll post a picture of this palette on the blog. I should probably add some swatches… but you gotta see how it looks on the eye, too? Maybe three looks? Comparison swatches?

And suddenly it’s a damn novel that takes a month to create. Typical. So I guess my question is: Do you want to see more frequent posts of the shorter variety? Quick blurbs of new products I’ve received? Does anyone read this blog anymore? LOL.

Aside from debilitating perfectionism, life is amazing. Without a doubt, I am happier now than I have ever been – primarily because of you. Your support is the reason that I can do what I love everyday and I’m forever grateful. So yeah, I just wanted to reassure you that I haven’t forgotten the blog and it is a priority. I feel a special connection with you guys because this was my first platform and I’ve always felt as though I could get personal here.

When I say ‘let’s chat in the comments‘, I genuinely want to chat! What’s going on in your life at the moment? Any makeup revelations? Yes, I still respond to every comment on the blog because I’m so happy that you’re here!


PS: If you’re having Sham Frip withdrawals, come follow me on Instagram 🙂 I’m active there every single day. My handle is @karimamckimmie, here is some of the stuff I’ve posted recently…

Where ya been?!

PPS: If you can get your hands on the Wayne Goss Air-Brush pictured above, DO EET! It’s honestly SUQQU Cheek standards.

PPPS: Just discovered that Sham Frip email notifications have been down for months 🙂 FML 🙂 I am freaking fixing that!

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  1. Just got the Sephora outrageous curl mascara on your recommendation and it is AMAZING. My lashes are so dramatic I love it. Your blog is frequently my makeup inspiration so just keep being awesome! xxx
    P.s. Would love a quick setting spray showdown 🙂

    1. That mascara is the BOMB 🙂 I only really alternate between two setting sprays really – UD All Nighter and UD Chill – both are brilliant (the latter better for dry skin).

  2. I love your blog Karima and would love to see more posts of both short and long variety. The attention to detail you have is appreciated and being Aussie is a bonus. In saying that, I’d love to see alot more focus on brands readily available in Australia (Myer, DJ’s, Priceline and everywhere in between)

    As a uni graduate and someone who now also works at a uni, I can definitely see why you took a break. It’s tough! Hope we can see more posts and videos soon though. I am in withdrawals.

  3. Omg, haven’t received an email notification from you in forever lol. With lots going on, I rely on those! I don’t have social media, so I love the blog! 🙂 your videos rival Lisa Eldridge. Congrats on almost being done with school! 🙂 love from Guadalajara, Mexico xx

    1. I KNOW 🙁 I said to Adrian (significant other and wordpress genius) ‘Why am I not receiving Sham Frip emails’
      Because they haven’t been going out for months. We reset it and everyone got THREE emails? Thanks WordPress. This should go back to normal now 🙂

  4. Hi Karima –

    I love your content in any format – IG, blog posts, YouTube videos, anything 🙂 LOL. Your content is thoughtful and thorough, and you’re a fave! As for the blog posts, whatever works for you works for me. Love the product review posts the most though 🙂

    Good luck getting through this last push at uni!

  5. Hi Karima!
    I read all your blog posts and watch all your videos. I personally love your blog and think you should keep up with it. I really appreciate your posts with swatches – especially the more in-depth ones about the by Terry lipsticks, the makeup brush series, the smackdowns, the ask Karima series etc etc. Basically what I am trying to say is I like the combination of both – your youtube videos are fantastic (especially love your tutorials) but I really like the combination of both – I like having the blog posts as a reference point when researching/reading/trying to remember what you said about products rather than trying to look and scroll through numerous youtube videos.
    I think the time and effort you put into your blog posts in noticeable and a point-of-difference compared to other bloggers and youtubers – and I 100% trust all your recommendations and non-recommendations

    p.s for some reason I received the e-mail alerting me to this blog post 3 times?!?! not that I mind I just thought you would like to know

    wow this has turned into something much longer than what i thought it would be O.o
    big love xx

    1. Hey Louise,
      I think you are spot on – the blog is a good reference point for product specific info. Sorry about the 3 emails – WordPress is playing me right now but in future you should receive a single email haha.
      Working on another By Terry lip post now btw! 😀

  6. Well hellooo! Apart from my country going completely insane, all is fine. I keep buying palettes and palettes and oh, palettes. It’s a problem. Not a fan of the UD Alice palette pictured above though. The formula seems wonky and not normal UD standard to me. Also checked out the new Kat Von D Serpentina palette. Sadly, not a win for me. Which is weird because she usually brings her A-game with eyeshadows. What is amazeballs: Loréal Pro-Matte Glow foundation! May Lindstrom’s Blue Cocoon! Anastasia’s Modern Renaissance palette! Rogue and Wolf jewelry! YAY. Also got a Kylie lipkit thingie and it wasn’t bad at all, considering that a purchase equals feeding the beast. In fact, quite nice after a lip scrub and balm application. On the fence about getting the Lorac Pro 3. *sigh* The struggle is real, Karima.

    Oh! made a dedicated magnet board for all my Colourpops and it is the bombdotcom. Friends from far and wide come to marvel at my ingenuity/Pinterest follow-thru. OK so only three came to see it, but still. MAGNETS!

    It took me 7 years to finish my undergrad and M.A., so I understand the scrambled eggs brain but still happy thing. Worth it when you!re done. Hang in there.

    TWO comments in a year, oh my. Back to comfy lurkersville with me! Thanks for checking in.

    1. I keep hearing raves about the Renaissance palette! My palette collection is just insane and I don’t know if I can justify another (or can I?)
      That magnetic Colourpop board… #pinterestgoals 😀
      I’m sure I’ll burst into tears once the degree is done – either sheer happiness or ‘what am I going to do with my life omg’ tears. Y’know.

  7. I love your blog Karima and your videos! I like your perfectionistic and meticulous nature so I’d rather have longer posts. where I feel like I actually get some insight into products or learn something new 🙂
    I love chatting so I’d love to! I already ended my public school exams like a month ago, so it’s just summer break for me. A lot of exciting things are happening this summer though, for example me and the guy that I’ve known for 5 years now are now a couple! It’s so far an internet relationsship, but I’m actually going to meet him in just 9 days! We both planned to ask each other after we had actually met, but I ended up just going for it and we have been a couple for nearly a month now I’d imagine. It’s so surreal being in love and actually knowing that the other person loves you too, such a beautiful feeling. Anyhow when he’s coming we have a day where we’re going go Copenhagen, where there’s a Sephora. Which brings me too a question “what the bloody hell should I get while I’m there?!” I’m thinking about getting a nice bronzer like 4 seasons and some lip products, but I don’t actually know.. I don’t need primers, foundations, concealers or powders, but I’d be nice if you could help shed some light on it. Any Eyeshadows, bronzers or lip products that you really like from Sephora Karima? I’d be a great help 🙂
    Oh and I asked a friend to bring some Kiko products home for me while she’s in Portugal. I’ve looked at their website and heard good things about their products, but I’ve actually never jumped the gun on anything from them. Have you tried Kiko products Karima?

    Good luck with Uni and have a good day! (Currently 4 in the morning, who needs sleep anyway.. geez)

    1. Hey Anne!
      Oh yayyy 🙂 I hope you guys have an amazing time! Guardian 4 Seasons Bronzers are always a yes – gorgeous textures! Kiko has really pretty colours and their wet-to-dry eyeshadow thingies are lovely. I spent way too much money there 😛

      1. Hello! I was in Copenhagen 2 days ago and I believe that I spend something like 2 hours there.. whoops. I did look at Guerlain there and the bronzers are lovely, but I had no idea what to get for my nc10 skin! I don’t generally use bronzers either so I’m not familiar with the tones, maybe make a video about your favourite bronzers? While I wanted a Guerlain lipstick (actually I wanted everything Guerlain..) just too expensive for a student when I wasn’t sure what to get. Also they had Kat Von D and Marc Jacobs there, looked lovely, but I thought I had too many eyeshadows and it’s just generally hard to see shades properly in the store lighting. I did end up getting a bronzer from Make up forever, nice shade it seemed like and only 290 dkk compard to the 530 dkk for Guerlain. I also got a nude kohl pencil from the Sephora brand and one of those cream lip stains in a pinky red shade, all in all I feel like I controlled myself pretty well!

        I really like the Kiko stuff that she got me, a lipstick, 2 lipliners, 2 infinity eyeshadows, a cream eyeshadow in stick format and an eyeliner. It’s more than enough considering that my boyfriend got me a ted baker wash bag with a travelpalette from thebalm and a mascara 😀 I’m minimalistic enough I feel to not want anything else other than eyeliners and liosticks for a while.

  8. Hi Karima,

    I’ve been loving your content on all platforms, your overall style and mood just resonates with me. Your more in depth reviews are my guilty pleasure.
    But I can completely empathise with you on the uni front, I’m 10 weeks of placement away from finally being done and can call myself a dietitian. It’s always toward the end when your brainpower is begin to wane, procrastination and distraction comes far too easily, that you need to muster that last remaining bit of willpower. Sadly binge watching your videos occurs far too frequently when I should be doing my honours dissertation haha.

    Looking forward to your next video and blog post 🙂

  9. Hey! I haven’t noticed your absence, but then again I’ve been following you on YouTube! Loving your videos.

    Contemplating going back to Uni myself after a 5 year hiatus – should be even more interesting this time around adding a 3 & 1yo to the mix! (Am I insane?!)

    In the makeup department I’ve been really into minimalism atm. I’ve gotten rid of all the s$&t I don’t use/need. I’ve come to the conclusion I just want to buy the best of the best and have a small but awesome collection (come to mumma Kat Von de shade and light eyeshadow palette). You know you’ve been spending too much on makeup when my bank rec spreadsheet has a Priceline column ?


    1. Well technically I’m considered a mature aged student now (how is 25 mature aged?! How?)
      It’s funny because I’m a minimalist in all areas of life… except makeup hehe. A year ago I gave my couch to my grandmother because ‘clutter’. Boyfriend was not pleased 😛

  10. I love your blog Karima! Your content is really informative and I especially love that you interact with people in the comments. I would be okay with fewer posts on the blog if that meant they were good quality. I completely understand being busy with school work! I just graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a minor in Spanish and now I’m about to start graduate school. I can’t imagine doing YouTube and keeping up with a blog at the same time! Good luck with finishing your school work! Will you do YouTube full time when you are done?

    1. I have the tendency to be thorough even when attempting to be brief 😛 More posts coming soon!
      I consider myself to be youtube full time now, just… lots of other things going on too 🙂

  11. I, for one, still check the blog! I’m sorry that uni has been kicking your butt so hard, but glad to hear it wasn’t some health crisis or something else terrible… I was getting worried!

    I would love whatever type or length of post you have the inclination to post. If short ones are easier for you, even just for now, that’d be great! Seeing 200 words of your input occasionally is certainly better than seeing 0% of your input ever! 🙂

    Plus, if you post some swatches of a palette and everyone starts begging for a tutorial or look, it certainly doesn’t mean you can’t follow up with one later!

    One thing I would love, and I think it wouldn’t be too labor intensive since it’d just be some pics and chatting, would be around your new(ish?) studio and why you chose to decorate it like you did. I’ve seen some flashes of it here and there (on Instagram, I think) and I’d love to hear more…

    1. No need for worry, it’s all good things! Busy is positive 🙂 The studio has also been keeping me very busy, I actually had walls taken down and lots of construction happened. I wish I had more progress pics but the ones I have should do 🙂
      Hoping to add a few more pieces of furniture and then I’ll get snapping with the photos 🙂

  12. Any blog post length is fine by me. It’s the quality that matters. *nods* (Still awaiting your chemical exfoliant smackdown.)

    As for me, things are going well. It’s summer up here, and given I live in Maine where summers are seemingly short and winters feel like an eternity, I’m very happy about that. *nods* Makeup-wise, my latest discovery would probably be the Cinema Secrets Ultralucent Setting Powder. It’s a loose powder, which I’ve found I generally prefer over pressed powder, comes in quite a few different shades (I own Colorless), is well-milled, and is pretty good at keeping any oiliness on my t-zone at bay. And it’s not super mattifying, either, so no flat face! 😀

    1. Have not forgotten about the chemical exfoliant smackdown 😉 That’s a big one. The Cinema Secrets Powder sounds lovely! I’ll take a look next time I go to a pro makeup store!

  13. Oh and one more thing — something for Adrian to sort out: the link to your Twitter in the top bar is broken! It still goes to @HouseofKarima and not to @karimamckimmie.

  14. Hi gorgeous girl. Just want let you know I was one of the lucky ones to get the Wayne goss air brush, I friggin love it, my much loved suqqu cheek brush has been made redundant (shock horror) since I got this delivered to the UK last week. My only gripe is I didn’t get two. Keep up the hard work hunny, always be the best you can be. Much love and warmest wishes from the UK.

      1. Yeh I know, what a steal. I’ve paid much much more for brushes that are no way comparable to this in terms of use and quality. It’s such a shame it’s a LE. Perhaps if folks shout loud enough they may release them again…fingers crossed.
        Just wondering also if your considering doing a smackdown on finishing/setting powders. I’m currently using suqqu loose glow and cashmere feel, they’re both fantastic but a cheaper alternative would be fantastic or can you recommend a luminous setting powder for a forty something year old, yet know just to lift and brighten dryish, lacklustre skin.
        Thanks Karima x

  15. Hi, Karima!
    Just wanted to pop by and say I also like the blog, I read it, don’ t stop writing there. I like the short versions, no need to be Leo here (Tolstoi). I really enjoy your content in whichever form, you are my favourite blogger.
    On the beauty note, I tried the NARSsissist Dual intensity cheek palette and I am in love. But it is summer here :/
    Also did get a new perfume, Byredo’s Mojave Ghost and I spray in on me aaaaall over, on the sofa, my office, my personal assistant, the car, the kid, her friends, if you know what I mean
    Last but not least, I tried the matt lipsticks of a german brand we have here called Manhattan and they are the most mosturizing version I have seen for 2,35 Euros!

    Good luck with uni!

  16. Hey Karima! It’s so great to see you back on the blog. I’ve missed getting Sham Frip updates (though I think Insta and YouTube – esp Sharima- have helped with the withdrawals). I’ve had uni exams this year too in England and I totally understand, despite how great uni is, how it can take over your life! It’s worth it to get through the exams to reap the benefits later. In fact, it’d be so lovely if you could write about your uni experience, study advice etc.

    For me, I’m not too fussed about the length of the blog posts. Your blog is one of the few that is genuine, full of character and pure quality (and it seems to have transformed amazingly over the years, so kudos to you).

    As for future topics, I think you should definitely continue with the Smackdown Series (lipsticks -pinks, reds, nudes etc, chemical exfoliants, serums) and the AskKarima posts. These are also great in video btw. I’d love to see a studio tour and maybe random tag videos too here and there. (What’s in my handbag, makeup bag etc)

    Hope you succeed in your exams with flying colours! Lots of love xx

  17. Nice to see you’re back! I don’t do YouTube much for various reasons (though am now following you on Instagram – thanks for the suggestion). I too suffer from perfectionism occasionally. Just try not to worry about it too much, short and sweet is fine. I quite like just seeing new products or even seeing what you’re wearing makeup wise as it’s always such great inspiration when I’m stuck in a rut! So don’t be too hard on yourself! xx

  18. Hey Karima, it’s so good to see you back here!!!! I follow you on instagram and YouTube but honestly I was looking forward to reading your articles again!!!
    What are you studying by the way?
    I graduated from my business school 5 years ago. It was a great experience but I’m not sure I could ever study again ?

  19. Hey,

    I love your content and appreciate your hard work: you are def amazing!
    I am also a perfectionist which can be a terrible thing, I understand the pain… I also tend to procrastinate lately which constitutes a bad combo lol

    Your videos and posts make my day in a world full of craziness and terrible events
    Keep up the hard work xx

  20. I love your blog! Actually, I love everything you post on YouTube, Instagram, blog lol I wish there was a tutorial from you everyday! You’re so talented and I value your opinion on products the most! Keep up the great work!

    That being said lol if you had to choose between Giorgio Armani luminous silk and maestro glow which would it be? I’m not sure which one to get? I have dry skin.

    Thank you!

  21. Hi Karima! I love your blog, I feel like there’s a level of detail that you just can’t accomplish in a video (which I appreciate). Please keep posting updates!

    I remember you saying you’re studying finance, are you doing a Ph.D.? 7 years is a long time! I have a master’s degree in accountancy with a focus in finance so trust me girl, I know the struggle. Keep calm and graduate, you’re almost done!

  22. I totally get it…school is tough work but it’s so worth it! I’m going back to school too (after a career change) and boy is it hard to get back into the swing of things. What are you studying?

    Answering your blog post question, my favorite thing about your blog (and your reviews in general) is that they are so thorough! I’d prefer less frequent but more thorough posts, to quick snippets. I feel like I can get the quick reviews from many other bloggers out there, but not as many are as thorough as you!

    Good luck with the great life/school juggle! And as a side note…I live for Sharima!

  23. Girl, you look incredible in the vampy lip pic.

    All the best for your Uni and glad to know you are happy and enjoying what you are doing!

    I have also been keeping busy at work a lot lately, but, a good work day gives me immense intellectual satisfaction, which is what matters, right?

    Have fun and enjoy life.

    Love and hugs.. xoxo

  24. Hi Karima!
    Your blog is my favorite of all beauty blogs because of the fact that you put so much thought and care into each post. I really feel like I am able to figure out if something will work for me based on your thorough reviews, comparison swatches, and wonderful photos. You don’t just say, “I like it. Buy it!” You give us every detail. And that is something worth waiting for.
    So I say, you do your uni thang and I’ll be here ready to read your next post whenever it may come :]

  25. Yay! I’m so glad you’re back! Great job at school! Keep it up and GEET EET!!

    Ok, so I have a question. It’s actually a MAKEUP EMERGENCY:

    My friend is getting married in 9 days. She’s awesome at makeup. She bought the Laura Mercier caviar stick in rose gold and it’s being super difficult in application. It balls up, isn’t creamy, and is JUST NOT WORKING! It was expensive and it’s beautiful, and she really wants to use it, so do you have any tips in application?? She’s tried with and without a primer, with and without a brush, but to no avail. HEEELP!

    Ok. That sounds desperate, but we kind of are at this point.

    We love you!!

    1. Sorry if this response is too late but yes, I have the same issue with LM Caviar Sticks. They tend to get clumpy on my lids, I prefer other stick eyeshadows (check out the cream eyeshadow smackdown).

  26. Helloooo Karima

    Keep doing what you are doing.

    Sometimes the fact that I regularly pop in to see if there is a new video or blog makes it so much more worthwhile when there is one. I have a bit of a Yes! moment.

    As you say “you do you”. xx

  27. Yay, I’m so glad to hear back from you (and I know I am not the only one)! I appreciate the thought and care that you put into eveything you do – you definitely stand out from most people in the beauty community. I’m always excited when I receive a notification saying that you posted a new video, or when you post something new on your blog! Keep up the good work, girl, you’re amazing <3

  28. What sets you apart from other beauty bloggers is your perfectionism, honesty, wit, level-headed maturity and lack of annoyance. Your product reviews are in depth, pros and cons not just a fluffy “oh I like this, blah blah buy it” . Keep doing what you are doing, you are amazing at it. Trust your gut, it’s often right.

  29. Hello Karima! I read you beacause you are lovely and honest (and I dont speak english) I’m happy you back 😀

  30. Every day I check your blog Karima! I’m 17, from New Zealand, and am now at home rather than school as I have been diagnosed with a relapse of cancer. Every morning (or more like afternoon considering the time I wake up haha) is to check your Instagram and your blog, as well as Carloline Hirons’ blog. You are the only makeup and beauty blog that I follow as I absolutely love the looks that you do, your personality, your in depth reviews of products, everything about you and your blog!
    I would love to see any sort of post, whether it’s shorter or not, I just love to see more from you! I always get excited when I see a new post or video from you! Unfortunately I haven’t been wearing any makeup recently as being sick and being at home I can’t really be bothered to do my makeup. However I did enjoy being able to do a full face for my school ball about a month ago! I did a couple of practices, especially with my eye makeup as that’s where my focus was. I was also trying to be a good girl and not buy any new makeup (especially for the ball) as I’m not using it, and won’t be using it at all. Though that has not followed on with skincare… Especially spritzs as I find them easy to use during the day, as I’m not leaving my bed anymore, and usually can’t be bothered to do my full skincare routine. I now have the Clinique moisture surge, May Lindstrom the jasmine garden, and have just ordered the Josh Rosebrook hydrating accelerator. I had seen the Wayne Goss air brush on beautylish, it looks so good!!! Had I been still doing makeup, I most likely would have *had* to buy it, as I had been using his holiday brush (now number 00) for my blush, but I had found it a bit too large for placement. I absolutely love his brushes! I have some of his eye brushes and all of them are sooo soft!! I adore every single brush of his I own! And they’re so easily accessible through beautylish, the name of even my mum became to know that’s how many times I’ve ordered from them haha.
    I hope everything with Uni goes as smoothly as it can for you now, as well as everything else in your life.

    1. Don’t apologise for you essay, Amber! I love it 🙂 I’m sending you all my positive vibes and cuddles, I hope you’re soon feeling well enough to play with ALL THE makeups! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment <3

  31. missed your blog entries! love your vids, but love your blog posts as well ;^)
    Wayne’s air-brush is really good… so happy that you’ve said that it’s suqqu standard because I’ve picked 2 of air-brushes…. because you can never have enough of brushes right? *wink wink*

    go get your uni because it’s well worth it & I love studying as well… (nerd-bonding hahaha)
    so genuinely.. I wanted to ask what you’re studying in? if you don’t mind

    P.S. I don’t mind whether you do the whole Karima’s perfectionism styled blog entries or the short ones as long as I get some

    1. I’m a finance major but I feel like I’ve studied it ALL 🙁 lol. By the time I decided I loved the Airbrush, it was all sold out. BOO! I have a feeling it will become permanent (no insider knowledge here, just hoping lol).

  32. Oh heyyyy girl! Great to read from you again 🙂 I really love your thorough blog posts, they are so informative. But I totally wouldn’t mind some shorter bits, new stuff just presented quickly, why not? It,’s fun!

    1. By the way, if you ever did a tutorial with Urban Decays “Solstice”, I would be the happiest person ever. Pretty please 🙂

  33. I absolutely understand the need to step back and/or unplug when life is stressful. I think it’s great that you’re giving yourself some breathing room! That being said, I LOVE your blog, your videos, and your Instagram account. As a former makeup artist myself, I find you an absolute breath of fresh air in a world of overly-made-up looks and never ending cat eyes. You rock any and every look and you do something new every time. I never get tired of seeing your stuff, and I cannot say that for ANY other guru/artist I follow. Please never stop doing what you do, but definitely take some time when needed! You’re amazing!

  34. Karima guuurl! What’s up?
    I tots understand you. I think at this point shorter posts would be great. New products are on the market every day. Maybe some New In’s? An updated perfume collection?
    About the Uni thing, study as long as you can! I am done (finally, and it has been great) but miss it sooo much!
    Beauty wise; still looking for THE foundation. One that won’t budge and transfer onto the mask.
    And Yes! People still read your blog!

  35. Yay!
    Totally understand you on stepping back a bit on the “heavier” social media-thingys. Lite some others I also am curious about what you’re studying (I have followed your for a while but haven’t picked that up). Plz share so we can feel that you are our best friend without an IRL interaction.

    Also, the humble-brag on perfectionism. It’s so true thought. I am exactly the same, don’t want to half-ass anything so I’ll do the whole shebang (No intentional reference to your latest video with Michelle intended…) and it’s frustrating sometimes.

    Third – your video collab on being an introvert. I loved it. I’m a fellow introvert, but just like you I’m quite outgoing and “happy” (cause all introverts are just sad, lonely people, right?). I just don’t like hanging with people that much.

    Not sure what I wanted to say with this and I realize I didn’t even answer your question! Good job.


    I agree with my fellow commentors (commenters?), shorter posts are totally fine. I look forward to all your posts, because you seem like a genuinely good person. I would totally try to befriend you if I lived near by. And Sharon too. And Michelle. You guys seem like such a nice bunch of non-girly girls.

    PS. The Air-Brush brush is N/A here in Sweden. Boo-f*ing-hoo :(((

    1. I’m studying finance 🙂 A million miles away from makeup but not really, I think they’re good skills to have regardless of where my career takes me.

      I loved filming the video on introverts! It’s a topic that is close to my heart haha, I’m very passionate abut it. Would love to meet you one day!


  36. Heyyyy Karima! I’ve been checking your blog regularly even though I don’t always leave comments ( lazy me) but I just had to pop up and say that I love your blog and channel and always look forward to reading your blog and watching your videos so please keep it up and good luck with Univ!! xoxo

  37. Totally get it, school is way more important!!
    I love the videos and in-depth posts but I think even short posts would be helpful because I’m not active on Youtube so it’s nice to have a reason to swing by your site, which I still do semi-regularly but would do so more regularly if I knew there’d be new content.

  38. Glad you are back! Take the time you need for school though, we’ll always be here 🙂
    Loving the photos you have had taken lately. Professional photographers?
    Also loving your collabs in YouTube.
    I would love both short and longer posts. Whatever you are feeling really. I know the perfectionism might be a problem (i am that way too), but it also makes for a really good final product, which is one of your plus points, i think. I think everyone who was ever highly successful usually has these traits: very hard-working, perfectionist, and slightly obssessive.
    I got 6 emails from ShamFrip, lol. Before i always got two (probably entered my email twice at some point) so i got three each, i think.
    The WG Air-Brush is insane! I got two because i imagined it would be great, and that price! I tried getting a third and one for mom, but of course, sold out. Wonder if it really is LE? It would make no financial sense to add it to the permanent line because of the success it had.
    If you ever find more good matches in foundations for fair/light olive skin (besides the ones you mentioned already) i would love to know, because it is hard to find cool yellow tones. It is not like we are from Mars?!
    Interesting products: concealers from Makeup Atelier in OLIVE tones. Never found concealers like that. The light one is almost gray, the other one yellow with a tinge of green
    Welcome back!

    1. *no financial sense NOT to add it to the permanent line*
      And when you are lighter than usual, Bourjois foundation in 51 instead of your usual 52 is good for fair olive

    2. I’ve invested in more camera equipment and lighting! THANKS for noticing haha 🙂
      Slightly obsessive describes me to a T, I think I’ve always been that way. Also, I hope I’ve fixed the 3 emails thing? lemme know 🙂
      PS: did a post on olive foundations, hopefully you saw that and it helped?

  39. I’m glad you’re back! I really look forward to both read at watch your tutorials etc. Your are just so inspiring when it comes to base makeup, it’s Eldridge level ;)And you make me more daring to do eye makeup with my slightly hooded eyes because you explain so thoroughly. And you have a smart and informative yet funny way of writing and expressing yourself 🙂

  40. I would love to read your blog posts more often, I don’t mind if it’s short and simple, will read and like it anyway!

  41. Hey Karima!

    Glad you are back! I personally love the blog posts the way that you usually do them (pretty damn perfect if you ask me) i.e. long and detailed – that’s why I feel that you should focus on uni and your youtube channel (which is amazing) and start posting again once you feel that you have the time.

    Katarina xx

  42. Hey Karime :)) Yes to the more frequent shorter posts, you have such a unique way of expressing yourself and it is a real pleasure to read your blogposts and to watch your videos! Good luck with Uni , I have been studing for four years now and I have four more to go 😉

  43. Hi Karima, just a quick post to say hi and I adore your blog. I think it’s the medium where you shine the most- because there’s loads of beauty bloggers who post pretty pics (although your pics are very pretty indeed) but no one, in my opinion, who writes like you. You have a wonderful writing style- witty, erudite, informative. Your attention to detail means that before making a special purchase, I always come here to check if you’ve reviewed it first. I recently bought Guerlains’ 4 Seasons in Ebony, which I normally wouldn’t have considered (being quite fair-skinned) but you sold me on it and now I’m in love! So yeah, to answer your question, I do read your blog regularly even if I don’t always comment, and I’d love to see more frequent posts, even if they’re short. Though of course I understand that life gets in the way and that sometimes it’s too damn exhausting to sit down and write something thoughtful, especially if you’ve been studying all day. Believe me, I get it, I’m a PhD student and sometimes after a hard day’s work I can barely put two sentences together because my brain has gone on strike 😉

    1. I’m so happy you enjoy the blog posts, it’s a labour of love 🙂 I think it’s more of a frame of mind for me, if I allow myself permission to create shorter posts, the brain block will dissipate.

  44. I do read your blog and it’s always one of top 3 favorites. I can read while I’m in a boring work meeting but I can’t stay up with the videos and I so want to hear your thoughts on products.

  45. :O :O You have a blog?!? I didn’t know you had a blog!! Im so excited! Gah, I understand being so busy with Uni. I’m finishing up grade 12 and I’m doing OP… So lotsa work here too. I feel ya.

  46. Hi karima! yes to more post! i love your blog! your blog was the first that i ever read (makeup wise) and it was the reason why i started my own! i’m from venezuela and here the makeup blogging thing is not well place yet, but, you need to start somewhere right?

    anyway… i love the way you write your posts and how meticulous you are explaning every detail of a product.

    PS: love your youtube channel too and thanks for introducing us to Michelle she’s awesone. you guys are friendship goals haha 🙂 (sharima too)

  47. Glad you’re back! This is like my 7th yr in uni, too. People have complicated stories and even though mine is different from yours, I totally hear ya: it’s hard to balance everything at once. Sometimes it’s just damned tiring to be part of the Adult World.
    To me you’re a unique singularity in the beauty youtuber/blogger world. The intelligence and positivity in your content come through as genuine. I find myself inspired by you always! My favorite entries on your channel/blog has always been the ones where you seem to make an effort to stand out from the ordinary or the trendy — on fleek this, slay that, etc. Not that there’s anything wrong with those things, but I remember seeing one of your earlier tutorials — a neon pink lip, I believe — and thinking: wow this girl is something else. Anyway, just sending some love your way. Don’t ever stop being awesome!

  48. Hey Karima – I’ve studied for 13 years and finished in May this year. I feel ya re: painful teeth removal comparison to uni. You can do it! Yes to shorter more frequent posts – I love hearing what you have to say. Your advice/recommendations are those I trust most. Your intelligence, experience and articulate manner make you a very special blogger 🙂 Ash xx

  49. YES to more posts- long, short, whatever! I must admit I only recently discovered your blog and without sounding cray/ creepy… I get FAR too excited to read/watch any new reviews or tutorials of yours ( more than any other blog) 🙂 your posts are fun, insightful and honest,..I always feel like I’ve spent time with an awesome mate after! So thank you- and keep your chin up for uni!!

  50. I love your blog. I don’t mind short posts and I don’t need video but I do like seeing makeup tried on and hearing opinions/ reviews. I don’t like blogs that swatch and show makeup packaging. I can do that at the makeup counter.

  51. To be honest I could just read your blogs and that’s it. LURVE the videos obvi! But the way you write is bloody entertaining and just so enjoyable. I’ve wanted to start blogging/website-ing…(english word, yeah?) for a couple years now and your blog is my number one inspo!

  52. I think you are freaking awesome! OK that said I am a 55yr old new to actually even wearing more than mascara and chapstick! I’ve had to quit working due to Multiple Sclerosis ♿after 30++ years as an ICU RN☤. So I have had time to see what all the YouTube hype was about. I found you, Sharon Farrell & Stephenie Lange and my head has gone poof! ?
    So I invested in my own beauty business, Younique. But since I was TOTALLY clueless to application and techniques, I have been obsessed with you 3 to teach me! And WOW I am learning a ton! Still haven’t mastered under eye concealing, or winged liner. But I can tightline, sculpt and highlight like a champ ?And smokey eyes… I am loving life, and I thank Jesus I found your channels! You 3 have had a huge impact on my acceptance of this disease and disability!
    So I just wanted to say thank you! And I will continue to look forward to my email notifications of your new uploads!
    I do post pictures on my Facebook page. please don’t feel obligated to see them, but feedback would be amazing! And my lighting sux, btw. I’m just an old woman having fun playing in makeup. I’m clueless how to market myself or my products…??
    But I’m having fun! ???❤❤

  53. I loooove your blog! I think I’ve read all of your posts, many times!! I think your attention to the detail is what makes your posts and vids my favourite!! Ok and your personality!! so keep up with the long posts but I wouldn’t mind some less detailed ones if you don’t have enough time!! I absolutely get your lack of free time I ‘m studying architectural engineering and at the exams period I don’t have time even for sleep ? also I have a video suggestion!! Maybe a bronzer smackdown?? There are many interesting ones , YSL le sahariennes, the MUFE pro fusion bronzers, the new too faced ones? anyways sending love xx

  54. Dear Karima, please, please make more of your wonderful Make-up-videos!!!

    Many greetings from Germany!!!

  55. Hi Karima,

    Yes keep up the blog! It’s great to read your insights and comments on the latest trends and makeup you’ve been trialling.

    I feel your pain though. I too am a perfectionist… And sometimes it’s just dam hard to get things done!

    I am a 20-something from Sydney too and work full time in marketing. Sometimes I feel guilty browsing makeup tutorials and blogs for hours on the Internet. But I tell you… You absolutely have to keep doing what you love and enjoy otherwise you’ll go crazy! Haha

    On that note… Will you be doing any meet and greats in Sydney sometime? I’d love to meet you as I think we have a lot in common ?

    Keep up the awesome work.
    Much love -Jane

  56. Hi Karima! Look at me look at me! Please keep this blog I love it!!! I love all your videos and everything on your Instagram and here! The only bad thing is I discovered it too late! Haha love you! Lots of support!

  57. I really loved your blog from the beginning because some of the looks were a bit less polished which is more my aesthetic. I would love some inspiration for a few looks with some Chanel products, especially the four pack eyeshadows or ombres. I’m trying to find a super natural look, not highlighted strongly, somewhat matte but still with a nice lip, some simple and lightly applied eyeshadow. I recently bought the Vitalumier Aqua in 20 and the blending foundation brush (looks like a stippling) which is a duo i think looks so natural and a rouge coco shine in the colour Intime, so i’m having a re-love of Chanel. (Of course only if you need suggestions). thank you!

  58. Hey Karima! Its nice to hear from you! I hope that we can meet one day even though I live in Singapore and you in Australia. I totally understand the uni situation – I’m a third year – so take your time! I’d rather you be healthy than worry about your blog and your followers. After all, I’m sure you already care about us enough! 🙂 School has just begun for me and it’s already starting to get hectic! Having to forgo fun times for extended periods of quiet, solitude work and reading journal articles and what not. Actually, just a casual question – when in the day do you do your uni homework and assignments? How many hours would you dedicate in a day to doing uni work? Haha, I’m always interested to see how people manage their time when university is involved. All the best for your assignments and don’t stress yourself out ok! I’m glad that you’re happy! Love, Ruth

    1. Hey Ruth,
      I tend to dedicate different weekdays to different tasks. So monday and thursday are dedicated solely to uni work. Tuesday tends to be my filming day, wednesday and friday I edit videos and photos. You might want to google ‘work batching’, it helps me with productivity 🙂

  59. Hi Karima,

    I just wanted to thank you for your videos and blog. I’m a makeup artist and I moved from Sydney to London ten years ago so what you do seems to satisfy my homesickness and love for makeup 🙂 You are so nice to watch – always thoughtful, intelligent, a little goofy and your excitement for makeup always comes through. My kit is made up of mainly old favourites being constantly re-mixed and repurposed, but I have made a few purchases enabled by you which now have a home in my kit. Thanks again for your wonderful videos, I look forward to the next one!

    Michelle x

  60. Thanks for explaining your absence – its great to have you back. You are the first blog I have followed, way back when I was starting mine in 2011, so it’s amazing to see your growth. I actively take inspiration from you and it’s great to see that you’ve not changed with the success. Keep it up xx

  61. Hey there!

    Love this post! And um… may I say your makeup always look perfect??! I want to wear vampy lip colors but I just look weird when I do.

    Also, what is uni?