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I have a… situation going on with my beauty storage right now, and by situation I mean ‘overflowing onto the floor’. I’m desperately trying to organise a custom storage solution (SQUEEE!) but for the moment – things have got to go. I must be brutal.

Hence, Purge Pile #1. If you like this segment idea, tell me in the comments and I’ll document my purging 🙂 First, some skincare…

Purge Pile – Nudestix, Sunday Riley, Benefit

Clarins – Extra Comfort Cleansing Cream

Every beauty editor raved about the Clarins Extra Comfort Cleansing Cream, so they reformulated (LOGIC!). Fair sure I have the new formulation and it is all-round mediocre. It strikes me as a bit ‘weak’, not quite emollient enough to adequately break down a full face. Additionally, it has a pronounced floral scent that, while not offensive, seems unnecessary.

Avene – Micellar Lotion*

In terms of effectiveness, the Avene Micellar water works okay. I’m letting this one go because the fragrance is so overwhelming that I might as well be removing my makeup with straight Eau de Parfum. Yet again, floral.

Sunday Riley – Charisma Creme Cleanser

Another one I’m purging because of the smell (no bun in this oven, I swear). When they say ‘formulated with milk’, they’re not playing – it reminds me of that time that I forgot we had old milk in the fridge and I had to pour that stench down the drain. If by some chance you can get past the smell, I wouldn’t recommend it for removing makeup; another one I would describe as watery and weak.

Pity, I love pretty much the entire Sunday Riley skincare range. Except this.

Purge Pile – Nudestix, Sunday Riley, Benefit

Benefit – Rollerlash Mascara*

Impressive for holding a curl, length and separation. Above all, I look for volume and Rollerlash provides next to none. My lashes look long but spindly with this one, much prefer the Benefit They’re Real formula (even if I need to comb out any clumps).

Nudestix – Magnetic Eye Colour in Angel* & Eye Pencil in Bronze*

Upon application, I was bursting with excitement: blendable, opaque, creamy, woohoo! Three hours later and I was sorely disappointed, I had become a creasy mess. Note that I have dry lids AND I used a hardcore eye primer. I’d be curious if anyone has used these without creasing?

I did keep the lip products and the concealer pencil (accidentally pictured above!) which require further testing.

Make Up Forever – Full Cover Concealer

Full Cover is too sticky for my undereyes (magnet for fallout) and I have existing facial concealers that I prefer for spot concealing: Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage, Kevyn Aucoin Sensual Skin Enhancer, Dermablend Fluid Corrective, the list goes on.


I don’t throw cosmetics away, unless it’s mascara. I collect my purge pile until it’s sizeable and my friends and family make a feast of it 😉

Have you tried any of these products? What are your thoughts?


* denotes products send for consideration. I’m always honest about how a products performs (clearly).

Complete list of products mentioned

Micellar Lotion
Micellar Lotion
Magnetic Eye Color
Magnetic Eye Color
Anti Pollution Cleansing Cream
Anti Pollution Cleansing Cream
Roller Lash Mascara
Roller Lash Mascara
Full Cover Concealer
Full Cover Concealer
* Denotes products sent for consideration. I’m always honest with my reviews :)

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  1. I use the Clarins cleanser in the shower, in the morning. So not to remove makeup. It is nice to use that way 🙂

      1. No. I Just let the shower rinse it off. I haven’t noticed a film. It doesn’t leave my skin feeling tight though like some cleansers can. Keep getting it in GWP so lucky I like it!

  2. Purge alllll the things! It’s good for your soul haha. Can’t wait for the new storage system. Organised makeup makes my heart happy ❤️

      1. I can’t wait for you to show us what it looks like! I’m struggling with makeup storage a lot and always looking out for ideas! Please share when you get it installed! x

    1. It’s funny because most of my friends are makeup noobs and I’m all like “this is a big deal in the makeup world, I think you’ll love this product!”
      And they’re all like “yeah cool.”

  3. Loove these posts. It would be AWESOME if you could hold another blog sale!! I know that I would LLLOOOVVVEEE to be able to try the MUFE & the NUDEstix items! I’d happily pay you for the items + all shipping charges incurred. (
    Lemme know whatcha think, Karima. Either way, these types of videos are so helpful, especially when you give reasons that the product(s) did not work for you.

    1. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be doing any more blog sales 🙁 They’re super time consuming (time I don’t have!) and half the products I’m purging are PR items, so it would be unethical to sell them.
      I’ll continue doing this segment though! Seems like people enjoy them 🙂

  4. Hey Karima, I am curious about what you do with the skin care and/or make up products that are long past their expiration dates. I have many of the skin care products that I bought for back-ups (wink, wink) have probably passed their expiration dates and I am still planning on using them. Not sure whether this will cause some skin problems. Same goes for my makeup stuff. As long as they haven’t dried up or shrivelled into small pieces.

    1. I generally keep makeup until it changes texture/smell/colour, I don’t really abide by ‘expiration dates’. If it has turned, I throw them away because nobody wants smelly stuff lol.

  5. Ha! I was barely awake, all bleary-eyed, when I saw the notification for this post. Excited, I clicked and struggled to read through those fuzzy eyes, lol.

    Oh. Not a blog *sale* after all. Darn it! :/

    Oh, well. Interesting anyway, as always!



  6. I love this type of post when you go into detail why you do or do not like using a product. it is so helpful. Will you be doing a review of the new MAC Prolongwear foundation you recently purchased?

    1. Hey Valerie!
      I actually tested the MAC Prolongwear in NC20 on my chest quickly (was about to do a first impressions and I wanted to make sure it was a half decent match) and it went very strange and peach on my skin 🙁 Don’t think I could put it all over my face, unfortunately!

  7. I do like these purge blogs!! It’s kind of like a helpful review to see which products don’t make it in the long run.

  8. Very helpful post. I hate heavily fragranced products so your comments were helpful. I tried the mascara – got a pre-launch sample from Sephora – and ended up throwing it out I thought it was so bad and difficult to work with.

  9. I wanted to love the Nudestix too–the pewter color is stunning!!–but the creasing was unbearable on my slightly oily lids. I’ll have to try the lip pencils

  10. Dear Karima, I haven’t commented for a while, and I wondered if I could ask your advice. I love the Vichy Dermablend foundation for spot concealing, they formulation is great, sits close to my skin and sets well, lasting all day. However Opal is just a bit too deep for me 90% of the year (I live in Glasgow lol) so I am looking for an alternative with more shades/undertones. I’ve heard Kevyn Aucoin SSE is comparable but I’d be willing to hunt for a cheaper option if there is one. How is the coverage of the Mac pro longwear concealer, Could it cover the odd blemish well? OPen to any other suggestions you may have! I hope you’re well, Carla xx

    1. Hey Carla,

      When you say Vichy Dermbalend, do you mean the stick corrective, fluid corrective or one of their other products? Have you tried the lightest shade in the line, Porcelain?

      My favourite concealers for spot concealing: Dermblend Fluid Corrective, Kevyn Aucoin SSE & Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage.

      The MAC Prolongwear is not as pliable as any of aforementioned products but it’s worth testing out in store! Some people love it for spot concealing.


  11. You aren’t alone in finding the Nudestix eye products a creasefest. That was my experience too after having fallen for the Bronze hype. I think it started creasing badly after 15 minutes. And I don’t have that issue with any other cream or stick shadow products. No bueno. The lip pencil is nice but nothing extraordinary; I find Bite has better shades and texture.

  12. I’d love for you to continue these Purge Pile posts! I find them really interesting 🙂
    Lots of beauty bloggers rave on and on about products but it’s nice to know what is not the best of the best.

    1. Often we’re just so excited about the great products that we forget to mention the misses, but I’m deliberately keeping a list of the things I’m getting rid of for your reading pleasure!


  13. Love this idea! Do you find that friends & family go for the purge pile? I’m always worried that others won’t want my used products, but I’m also not sure what to do with them. Throwing them away seems like such a waste…

  14. I’m so relieved you’re not the only one who is disappointed with Charisma Creme. I felt like I was the only one who wasn’t on that particular Sunday Riley bandwagon.

    Please absolutely do keep up these posts. This was great! Thanks!